Court of Appeal

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                                                                                                                                        CA 160792



                                        NOVA SCOTIA COURT OF APPEAL

[Cite as: Jonsson v.  Nova Scotia(Workers’ Compensation Board), 2000 NSCA 51]


                                             Bateman, Flinn and Cromwell, JJ.A.





ARNI S. JONSSON                                            )        Appellant in person


Appellant              )        Janet E. Curry and

)        Paula Arab O’Leary

- and -                                                                   )                 for the respondent Board


WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD         )        Louanne Labelle

and WORKERS’ COMPENSATION                )                 for the respondent Tribunal

APPEALS TRIBUNAL                                       )                


Respondents       )




)        Appeal heard:

)                 April 12, 2000


)        Judgment delivered:

)                 April 12, 2000






THE COURT:           Leave to appeal denied per oral reasons for judgment of Cromwell, J.A.; Bateman and Flinn, JJ.A. concurring.



CROMWELL, J.A.: (Orally)

[1]              In appeals to this Court in Workers’ Compensation matters, we do not have the same authority as we do in appeals from decisions made by judges.  This Court is not allowed to act on its own assessment of the evidence in workers’ compensation matters.  Even when we fear that the Board may have made a mistake of fact, we are powerless to intervene unless we see an error of law or jurisdiction.  We see no error of law or jurisdiction in this case and we, therefore, have no choice, given our limited role in workers’ compensation matters, but to deny leave to appeal. 


[2]              The application for leave to appeal is, therefore, dismissed without costs.




Cromwell, J.A.


Concurred in:

Bateman, J.A.

Flinn, J.A.



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