Court of Appeal

Decision Information

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CASE NO.                                                  VOL. NO.                                                          PAGE


DEBORAH PECK                                                                                                  TRACY PECK

                                                                        - and -

(Appellant)                                                                                                                (Respondent)


CA 151724                                               Halifax, N.S.                                       BATEMAN, J.A.



                                          Cite as: Peck v. Peck, 2000 NSCA 114]


APPEAL HEARD:                                       October 2nd, 2000


JUDGMENT DELIVERED:                       October 11, 2000


SUBJECT:               Custody/care and control.




SUMMARY:              Trial judge ordered that day to day care and control of the three children of the marriage be with the father.  Mother appealed.



ISSUES:                    Did the trial judge err in so ordering?



RESULT:                  Appeal dismissed.  The trial judges conclusion that it was in the childrens best interests to reside with the father is supported by the evidentiary record.  (Fact specific)




This information sheet does not form part of the courts decision.  Quotes must be from the judgment, not this cover sheet.  The full court judgment consists of 12 pages.


 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.